domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016


I think this is my last post for a while, but that´s okey ´cause I´m starting now the projects and exams weeks, so in these weeks I just revoke my social life. And I don´t know how I don´t get stressed while my partners are so nervous. The first and the last weeks are aimed to give projects while the second and the third are set to take exams.

As I have counted, I have 10 projects to do until the glorious Christmas; read 2 books, make projects of Biology, T.I.C.O, Ethics, Scientific culture, English, History, etc. Sincerely I have no desire of doing this stuff, actually I´m writting this at 1 AM and I´m freaking sleepy, I have been doing projects all day and I don´t know what the f**k to say wrkjfgifhfaighjgiwugyih.

I know this is suposed to be a serious post but as you know me, I´m not serious when doing anything. My brain is starting to fail, I supose I´m committing lots of mistakes but at this moment I´m not capable to recognise them, so sorry. These last weeks of the trimester are exhaustive for us (the students, and I supose they are exhaustive for the teachers too) , moreover, we are unable to have social life because of these high-school stuff.

I´m not in good mood at 1AM so then I can´t have good ideas neither write properly so

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

The hell week

As I said in the tittle, the past seven days have been a hell of a week. You're probably wondering why I say that. Exams, that´s the answer. Exams of: literature (2 units), maths and history, and they are not particularly the easiest. So this past week I haven´t had a social life.

TUESDAY: On tuesdays I can´t do anything ´cause I have French Horn lesson (4:30pm), sol-fa (5pm), english lesson (6pm) and band rehearsal (until 9pm) so the next day we had litarature exam and I hadn´t studied anything, I had only touched the book once I started making outlines of the notes on Monday during the afternoon. So I went to sleep at 3am inasmuch as I was studying until that hour.

WEDNESDAY: On this day I was much more relaxed than on Monday or Tuesday as I don´t have any extracurricular classes on wednesday, so I just studied maths for one hour.

THURSDAY: On Thursdays I have solf-fa  and band rehearsal but that´s all so I was much more relaxed than on Tuesday but less than on Wednesday, so due to my incredible skill of doing everything at the last minute I went to sleep at 1am.

These have been the devil´s days, but now, on Sunday I´m copying my physics notes to a really clean notebook and I have copied the 2% of the notebook so wish me luck. By the way, a strange thing that happenned on Friday was that everybody was happy with what they did in the history exam, or at least the majority.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016


As you know halloween is coming, actually it´s tomorrow, I want to apply scary make up, but I don´t know anything about makeup, so I think I won´t be able to dress up as anything, I will just go out to have dinner and drink something with my friends and my scary face.

In my opinion, Halloween has a good part and a bad one.

The good one is that we have a long weekend to rest, so I have planned to study physics, do some projects, read one or two books from a saga I´m reading, finish the drawing I´m doing of my favourite film´s actress (Hunger Games) and last but not the least, sleep.

The bad one is the temporary trends like the obsession with Harley Quinn (From Suicide Squad), a character of a film, I´m sure everyone will dress up like Joker or Harley Quinn due to that obsession. Or for instance, the trend of dressing up and applying make up like a clown and scaring everybody at night, in some cases in USA some people have died due to heart attacks, why the f**k someone want to get into trouble due to homicide or something like that?

I think all these people suffer frrom psychotic attacks, otherwise, I don´t know why someone would act in that way. Anyway, for me, Halloween it´s not a important festivity, at least, not as important as Christmas or Easter week. I think everyone is going to write about Halloween, but as you know I´m freaking original as a rock, so bye until next week.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

First exam

I think today I will talk about the first exam of the school year cuz my life is so boring I haven´t so much much to say.

Well, as I said, this week we have done our first exam, about history, specifically on Wednesday. I think it was quite easy if you had studied days before, but like ALL people worldwide, I had studied the night before the day of the exam, anyway, I think it was easy after all.

One funny thing was that Julio (history teacher) prepared 2 different exams, and then when we finished the exam, like we use to do, we compared what we had answered, but this time we didn´t notice that they were different exams so we all have different answers and we thought all of us had failed until we realized of that fact.

By this time in some weeks I´m not going to have nothing to write about. I´m running out of ideas.
Bye  ._.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

Another week more

I,m sorry but this entry it´s not going to bear on with school, cuz today I wanna talk about something that have happenned this week out of school. 

Well, it was friday and as most of fridays I use to go to the sports center when I finish having lunch so I did exactly that but when I arrived there my friends were doing a huddle, and when I went in I saw two guys were fighting so I tried to stop the fight but my ''friends'' impede me to stop it cuz they wanted them to fight. Finnally, one of them ended with blood in his mouth and the other had a bite of the first fighter. After that, I thought all them were morons but after I could rethink about that I came to the conclusion that it wasn´t all their fault, violence it is one of the instincts of the human being. I don´t know why I have written about this cuz I need to express myself and take my minnd off that.

That was all, sorry fot not to write about school.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Not a different high school, not a different day

Oooooookey, I ´m here because of the writing and I´m supose to write about what happened along this week in my high school. I have no much to say cause in my high school happens completely the same as other high schools but well, here we go.

Like all days, I was drawing half of the lessons because I get bored easily and the other lessons I couldn´t draw due to the fact that I´m in the spotlight of some teachers. But I think they don´t understand that I can do two things at the same time (pay attention to them and draw) , so from my point of view it´s a stupidity to don´t let a student do what he/she likes if he/she don´t disturb and is paying attention to you, but, of course, that´s my opinion, not a rule neither an order.

I think I haven´t much more to say, oh yes, I have one more thing to say, in philosophy the teacher ordered us a project a week before and minutes before we have to give her the project she asked us who needs more time to finish the project. Half of the class rose the hand, included me. I did it because I had brought clay, and I thought it wasn´t a good idea so this weekend I´m doing that project.

Okey, that was all.